Monday, May 28, 2012
Now Available: Karaoke Lipsync Opera
Now available from White Sky ebooks:
karaoke lipsync opera
White Sky Books
West Hartford CT / Puhos Finland
copyright 2012 / 205 pgs.
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j/j hastain has this generousness to say:
Peterson’s “atonal rain” pounds gently and hard over the “lily of the rocks” where “a wise woman averts her eyes”—Karoake Lipsync Opera, although certainly a cultural document (in that it is composed of varying points on a map, passages within thoroughfares) definitely makes the feeling in us while we are going through it, that we are somehow inhabiting deliberate, a-cultural space. This is one of the wonders of all of Peterson’s writings, but I feel it particularly here, in the way that KLO moves from form to form, interior to exterior, then beyond those. A wrought spectrum indeed.
A barrage--like a bible mysteriously having been brought back to its glyph state, its insinuation state—KLO is a place of lists. Images--images in positions of strain. Chunks of writing in varying forms, line breaks, paragraph structures, syntax (and not), dashes, usual narrative structures, alternating lines between dyad pairs of poets (eg: Joseph Cooper and Maureen Owen). It is all here in this exciting book!
If I pointed individually to each of the gleaming gems in this work, I would spend my entire life (and another and another) with my appendages aching from extending to the points. Come here, into the land of e-book territory, where thought, movement, impression and image can converge in ways that only add to the lives and imaginations of trees (without taking anything from them (by way of paper)).
Oh my, this work! Peterson’s “fat gesture”--a gesture that goes, that takes us far (its “I center
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To download Karaoke Lipsync Opera, click here to visit the ebook page at
This and other experimental literature can also be found at: